I know this is sudden.
Please, do not be afraid, dear SUBJECT. We promise you're safe.
We've been...waiting long for this.
Very, very long.
So we wouldn't want any...casualities. Right?
But, we do need your collaboration on this.
You see, this isn't your everyday interrogation.
Hahaha...no. This is much more important.
You see, this... This is an opportunity not everyone gets. You've been specifically chosen for this. Please do not ask why.
So please... just collaborate with me. This will be nice and easy, I promise you.
It's also found to be a little stressful, would you like me to read you any warnings or health hazards?
Right, okay.
Please, steady your breathing. The last thing we need is for a subject to feel anxious.
The warnings of the... #### test. There's many, and it is to be mentioned the risk of death is to be aware of. The test may cause symptoms of headaches, high body temperature, nausea, blurry vision and sometimes nosebleeds and unexplained, uncontrollable tears. When these symptoms don't necessarily are threats, it is suggested to the subject to keep their mind steady and control their breathing. Do not let any fears or anxiety take over your mind, as a subject youre needed to have clear thoughts for clear answers. Whatever happens, do not stop yourself if you start feeling any pain...it's just a natural part of it. Whatever happens, do not question it, just keep going. However, if the member of staff notices anything going wrong or getting severe, the subject will be granted a break.
Hm, seems your heart rate has gone up.
I was expecting that...it's okay. Its understandable you're scared.
But trust me, I'll keep you safe. That's what I'm here for.
Now, I'll have to strap you to this chair, okay?
Please, do not resist.
Is that too tight? Okay, my apologies.
All good?
Alright, let us